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题目:Unraveling the Alignment Paradox: How Does Business—IT Alignment Shape Organizational Agility?





梁会刚,东卡罗莱纳大学(East Carolina UniversityECU)商学院终身正教授,讲席教授。信息系统顶级期刊MISQ(世界排名第一)的副编委(AE),国际一流期刊Information & Management的副编委。主要围绕信息技术使用,信息系统战略,信息安全行为以及信息技术在卫生医疗领域的应用等重要问题开展研究。

2003以来,候选人发表了超过40SCI/SSCI期刊论文,其中6篇发表在美国达拉斯德州大学管理学院选定的24种期刊当中(UTD 24 Top Journals),包括MIS QuarterlyMISQ)和Information Systems ResearchISR)等国际顶级期刊。自2007年起在MISQISRJMIS、和JAIS四大国际顶尖信息系统学术期刊发表论文10篇(4MISQ + 2ISR + 2JMIS + 2JAIS)。1MISQ论文两次获Emerald Management Review Citations of Excellence Top 50 Papers;论文多次被录入AOM最佳论文集。两篇MISQ论文入选ESI高被引论文。

根据国际信息系统协会(AIS) 公布的排名,按照2006-2015十年期间在信息系统领域顶尖期刊(MISQISR)发表论文数量,候选人在全球信息系统学者中名列前25位,并在2007-2009期间名列前10


Contradictory views exist regarding whether business–information technology (IT) alignment enhances or reduces organizational agility, and no consensus has been achieved. To disentangle this puzzle, this study takes both the intellectual and social dimensions of IT alignment into account and investigates how they influence agility in opposite directions through distinct mechanisms. Based on survey data from 429 dyads of business and IT executives, we uncover that intellectual alignment impedes agility by increasing organizational inertia, while social alignment facilitates agility by enhancing emergent business–IT coordination. We also find that social alignment weakens the effect of intellectual alignment on organizational inertia. This paper fills a gap in the information systems (IS) literature by providing a theory-driven explanation of the alignment paradox, which makes a significant contribution to both IS research and practice.

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